She doesn’t sound congested anymore, she seemed normal last time she was awake and now she’s back asleep. She ate 2oz about an hour later, then took another ounce maybe 40 minutes after that which is more her normal feeding pattern. Baby spit-up differs from vomit in that the flow of spit-up is usually slower and stays closer to the baby's body, while vomiting is more forceful and projectile and can indicate illness. This causes gradually worsening projectile vomiting after every feeding that. I cleaned her up and she went back to sleep, which is unusual because normally if she slept for 2 hours and woke up, she’d wanna eat. Spitting up is the mild vomiting or regurgitation of food, milk, and saliva. So I quickly picked her back up, and she spit up again only this time I saw another stream of milk looking throw up come out with a bit more force. According to Kids Health From Nemours, projectile vomiting usually takes right after the end of a feeding, but in some cases it can happen hours later and may be a sign of illness. In both cases, the episodes of projectile vomiting caused much family consternation and anguish, tainting the. I've explained this to the families as the body's method of expelling the buildup of toxins from the cancer. w/projectile vomiting just prior to death, both cancer patients. Viruses usually aren’t dangerous, but they can cause your little one to get dehydrated. When a baby vomits more than once, it’s usually caused by a virus. After 10 minutes I set her down again, and this time after about 5 minutes she coughed and then spit up a LOT. I've had two cases within the last few months, pt. When spitting up begins to make your baby uncomfortable, and more liquid than usual comes up with greater force, this is probably vomit. So I held her for awhile and she fell back asleep on me.

She also sounded congested out of nowhere, like every time she’d try to breathe in. I set her on the bed beside me, and she slept for a couple hours & then started fussing a bit, and I noticed a little spit up leak out of the side of her mouth. She seemed normal, (usually eats 2oz, only sometimes takes 3/4) and after the last feeding she went to sleep relatively quickly on my chest. The baby may dribble milk out with every burp. So my daughter definitely ate more than usual at her feedings, 4oz at 10, 2, 5:45, and 10 something. Projectile Vomiting Spitting up differs from vomiting in terms of the force with which the baby expels milk.